You are here: Chapter 9. Ductwork > Air Terminals

Air Terminals

Air Terminals

Air Terminals are found in the toolbox under default tools

Air Terminal from toolbox.


There are mainly 3 different ways of connecting an air terminal to a duct. These are:

Start duct from a positioned air terminal.

Click to see a video


Connect a duct to a positioned air terminal.

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End a duct with a air terminal.

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Air Terminals are found with side connection and top connection. If you start a duct from a positioned air terminal with top connection, DDS-CAD will ask how far upwards to want the duct to run until you return to the horizontal plan, or end the duct.

 Click to see a video 


If there are control air terminals right beneath an outlet duct, you are recommended to start in the duct, set the direction of the tee downwards, go down to ceiling height to finish with a air terminal.

Click to see a video


It is possible to define an individual air terminal. See chapter 8 how to create individual manifolds in the product database. The properties for a air terminal are:


Product number – If you have a product number from a supplier, it can be entered here

Description – of air terminal

Symbol – Symbol number.

Plenum Length/Diameter -  pL – Plenum length. If the plenum is circular, this will be the diameter

Plenum Width – pB – Plenum width. For circular plenum the width is set to  0

Plenum Height  - pH – Plenum height.

Duct width – d – dimension of connection point for the duct

Duct height – in case the connection is to be rectangular, set duct height here

Extern Info – If you have got a picture of the air terminal on your machine, you can enter the name of the picture, and it will be a preview in the product database. The picture must be saved either on a project folder, user folder or a sys folder. If you have a reference to a data sheet, either on your local PC or on the Internet, you can enter URL to this after the picture name. Picture name and URL is divided by a semicolon;

Type – internal number

Zeta – If you know the resistance number for the air terminal (zeta value) this can be entered here

Pressure Loss – for balancing the air terminal. Start with the number of balance level, then the designation of every level (1, 2, 3, or a, b, c, or 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 etc..) At last, enter the zeta value for each level. If  you enter minor fields with zeta value, the DDS-CAD will interpolate between them to get the correct pressure resistance.

Air flow– can be set to  0. Read more about air quantity later in this chapter.

Connection – Type air terminal. 5 digits , a, b, c, d, e, where:

a : 0=side connection, 1=top connection

b: not in use

c: 0=circular plenum, 1=rectangular plenum

d: not in use

e: 0=circular air terminal, 1 = rectangular air terminal

Distance X – distance from connection point to insertion point for air terminal. The duct is "cut" with the value entered here

Distance Z– distance between upper edge air terminal and lower edge plenum.

Grille length – Air Terminal length. For circular air terminal, this will be the diameter

Grille width – Air Terminal width by rectangular air terminals.

Grille Height - Air Terminal height

Mesh/Through terminal

Mesh or Through terminals must be inserted in existing duct. The function is found in the toolbox.

Through terminal in duct


See video how to insert a through terminal. The field rotation decides if the terminal should point to the right, left, downwards or upwards.

 Click to see a video 


Terminal rotation in the duct. 0 = right, 90 = downwards, 180 = left and 270 = upwards. See chapter about pipe drawing for the rotation.



Vent pipe guard, exhaust chamber

You will find the vent pipe guard in the same component group as air terminals

Vent pipe guards in DDS-CAD, with the air terminals.


Air quantity.

To get the correct dimensions and pressure loss calculation, the correct air quantity must be entered for the air terminals. The quantity can be entered either in m3/h or l/s. To change unit, select from the menu Tools -> Setup - > Setup for number format.

See video to change unit for air quantity.

Click to see a video


Air quantity entered in air terminal properties.

Properties for detached air terminal.


Properties for duct end with a air terminal.


Properties for Mesh/ through air terminal.


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